Four simple ways to support ocean conservation

Beach cleaning © Alicja Szalanska

By Alicja Szalanska Wild Coast Sussex Volunteer The oceans, with their mesmerising depths and diverse marine life, are vital to our planet’s health. Yet, they face growing threats like pollution, climate change, and habitat loss. Fortunately, you can make a meaningful difference by taking small steps. In this blog post, we’ll explore five easy actions… Continue reading Four simple ways to support ocean conservation

Mermaid’s Purse Hunting in Hove

Hove Beach © Helen Stewart

By Helen Stewart Wild Coast Sussex Volunteer Having recently retired, I have volunteered with Wild Coast Sussex to help identify mermaid’s purses on local beaches as part of the Shark Trust’s Great Eggcase Hunt. On a very wet and windy day in September, I and other volunteers were instructed on the basics of mermaid purse identification by members… Continue reading Mermaid’s Purse Hunting in Hove

Wild Coast Weekend!

By Sophie Maplesden Wild Coast Sussex Assistant Project Officer I recently had the pleasure of helping to organise the Wild Coast Weekend. This was a free, two day event run by the Wild Coast Sussex Project, aimed at 18-25 year olds interested in conservation, our local coast or those purely wanting to boost their nature… Continue reading Wild Coast Weekend!

Celebrating Love, Diversity, and Coastal Conservation: Hastings Pride 2023

By Sian Scott Wild Coast Sussex Volunteer The 2023 Hastings Pride event was a vibrant celebration of love, diversity, and community spirit. Amidst a sea of rainbow flags, Wild Coast Sussex proudly hosted a stall at the Oval, where we combined our passion for coastal conservation with the vibrant spirit of LGBTQ+ pride. A Kaleidoscope… Continue reading Celebrating Love, Diversity, and Coastal Conservation: Hastings Pride 2023

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